Welcome to True and Lovely Co. My name is Carrie and I’m so excited to have you here! In 2019, I started posting my Bible study notes on Instagram. I wanted a place to post my thoughts so I could easily go back and look at what the Lord taught me as I studied my Bible. A little over a year later, True and Lovely Co. grew beyond anything I could imagine!

As my Instagram grew, I found myself wanting to talk about topics in more depth than an Instagram caption would allow. As a result, this website was born. Here, you’ll be able to find posts about what I’m learning in my daily time with the Lord, posts about my life, and some tips for Bible study and Bible journaling. You’ll also find links to all of the resources I use and love, freebies I’ve made for you, and the link to my Etsy shop which contains Bible Study templates, printables, and digital art resources.

My mission is simple: to share Jesus and encourage others to study the Word of God through my own studies, videos, templates, and art.

Thank you for visiting and being a part of the True and Lovely Co. community! I can’t wait to see what the Lord does through this.