Bible Journaling,  Bible Study,  Life

The Mission of True and Lovely Co.

True and Lovely Co. turned three years old back in April(which is kind of wild). I’ve shared how this ministry got started, but I’ve never really talked in-depth about the mission of True and Lovely Co. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to share it, but it can be hard when Instagram limits characters and doesn’t give a lot of space for elaboration. The mission of True and Lovely Co. is fairly straightforward: to share Christ and creatively encourage Bible study and Biblical literacy through Bible journaling, Bible teaching, and resources.

Why is this the mission of True and Lovely Co.?

Quite frankly, there is a need for accessible Biblical teaching. Studying the Bible doesn’t have to be boring or a total downer. It can be encouraging, fun, and it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. The Bible is not exclusive. It isn’t elusive. Being Biblically literate isn’t just for pastors or people in seminary. It also isn’t something that is ideal in quick-bite format.

While this ministry isn’t exclusively gender-specific, I firmly believe that Biblical literacy is a male-dominated subject. I want to help remind women that we can dig just as deep into scripture as men can. If you don’t believe me, walk through the aisles of a Christian bookstore and compare the “men’s” studies with the “women’s” studies. You’ll notice that the studies marketed for men have far more depth and meat to them. Women do not have to settle for self-focused, topical devotionals. We don’t have to rely on quick posts for Biblical truth. Women can (and should) study the Bible for themselves to gain an understanding of scripture and know the Lord well. This isn’t an “I am woman, hear me roar” point, so please don’t read it like that, but it is a “let’s remind women that scripture is for them as well” point.

The Goals of True and Lovely Co.

True and Lovely Co. operates with three main goals in mind.

The first goal is to teach the gospel and Biblical truth in a way that is accessible, encouraging, and edifying, while being true to the Lord and what His Word says.

Goal number two is to encourage others to study the Word of God in a way that allows for proper interpretation and application in order to grow in faith and relationship with God.

The last goal is to equip others with tools, tips, and resources to help them study Scripture and dig into the Word of God.

What True and Lovely Co. is Not

This is not a lifestyle page. I may share personal things here and there, but my intention is to show my life in a way that shows you I’m a person. I’m not here to influence you to do anything but know the Lord and his Word.

It is not a place for confrontation. This page doesn’t major in the minors. We will have different views on secondary things like worship music or Bible translations or what modesty is. That’s ok! My focus here is Biblical literacy. I may post about topics where people have differing opinions and interpretations but that is not the focus of this ministry. Many ministries post these things, and a lot of them address hard issues well. My goal is to teach you HOW to study the Bible, not which secondary theology is best or which side of a Christian liberty discussion to be on.

It is not your Bible. My words about God’s word is not God’s word. Just because I (or any other creator) share something doesn’t mean it holds the same weight as scripture. Test everything against scripture. 

In summary…

I want you to study the Bible and I want you to know how to study the Bible, but I am also a human. I make mistakes, but please know that I do my very best to test everything I share against scripture.

This is a space for growth and learning — for everyone. Growth isn’t always comfortable. I don’t sugarcoat the truth, I won’t tolerate watered-down Christian teaching, and I don’t tolerate hate and condemnation. 

My desire is to know God, know His Word, and help you do the same.