girl reading bible

How to Trust God in the Unknown

We are living in a really hard and weird time and I’m sure a lot of us wonder how to trust God in a time like this. Between a global pandemic, political division, natural disasters, and things we are dealing with as individuals, life feels harder and heavier than ever. It’s in times like these that we need to lean into the word of God the most.

It’s not always easy.

When we feel hit after hit of heartache and struggle all at the same time it’s overwhelming. Spending time in the Bible can seem overwhelming when we’re struggling. How can reading a book of old stories teach us how to trust God? How can taking time out of our day to spend time in the Word help us rely on the Lord in the unknown?

I will be transparent, and I’ve talked about this a bit on my Instagram, but the past few months have been hard for me. I know that I am incredibly blessed in my life, especially considering the circumstances that COVID-19 have the world in. Personally, though, there have been a lot of heavy things happen in my life. Between circumstances impacting those I care about to problems with my health, the last couple of months have been hard. Things feel heavy, they feel unknown, they feel out of control.

Sometimes, I’m mad. I’m overwhelmed with everything. I wonder why I’m experiencing the things I am and when I’m going to get some relief. I get frustrated with the process of getting appointments and figuring out what is wrong. Other days, I keep myself busy to distract myself from how bad my body feels and I remember that I’m lucky to be in a place where I can afford to buy food that doesn’t bother me and that I have a support system that allows me to do what I need to do to keep myself healthy.

How to Trust God

The good days I have, I’ve noticed, are the days I’m able to really dive into the word of God. How can reading a book of old stories teach us how to trust God? Because he is on EVERY page of the Bible and his grace and peace is seen in book after book, chapter after chapter. We see example after example of him keeping his promises to his people. How can taking time out of our day to spend time in the Word help us rely on the Lord in the unknown? His word brings peace, comfort, and the ability to have a better mindset, even in the midst of crisis and discomfort. It’s not always easy and the Bible doesn’t promise that everything is going to be great. The Bible does promise that the Lord is with me, no matter my circumstance.

I won’t deny that life is hard right now. This whole year has been hard for the entire world. It’s a crazy thing, being able to connect with people across the globe over a single thing. But guess who holds the whole world in his hands? OUR God. He’s got us. He has a plan for us. He is sovereign and holy and his plan is better than our own. We’ve seen it in the Bible and I’m sure you can look back and see examples of his sovereignty in your own life.

He is good and he is here.

How can you actionably trust the Lord in your life today?

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