bible study habit
Bible Study

Making Bible Study a Habit | 3 Tips!

One of the questions I get asked the most is: “How do you find time to study the Bible?” The answer probably isn’t want you want to hear: I’ve spent time intentionally making Bible study a habit. Habits are hard to make. They take time and they take effort, but studying the Bible is so important.

Why is Bible Study Important?

The Word of God is a well of wisdom that leads us to a life of obedience (Psalm 119:9-11). It is a light in the darkness (Psalm 119:105) and it is hope in affliction (Psalm 119:50). The Bible is history and knowledge from the Creator of the world itself. It shows us how sinful we are by nature and how much God wants to be in community with us. The study of the Word of God is a way we can grow closer to Him and sit in His presence.

It’s also how we are refined. 1 Timothy 4:7 tells us: “But have nothing to do with pointless and silly myths. Rather, train yourself in godliness.” Our ultimate example of godliness is Jesus. How can we train ourselves in godliness if we don’t study the life of Jesus from the source of life itself? How can we bear the fruits of the Spirit if we don’t first reflect the Spirit?

So, how do I make Bible study a habit?

When we become Christians, we do not automatically inherit the time management skills necessary to dedicate time to studying the Bible. We are not suddenly able to deeply understand the Bible. These are disciplines that we learn and build over time with training. It is, however, easier to build these habits than many people realize.

Here are 3 tips I have to make Bible study a habit:

1. Set a time

The key to consistency in the Word starts with carving out a time of day for you to be in the Word. I don’t do this now because being in the Word is part of my day and I crave that time. When I started studying the Bible, however, I was very intentional in making sure I kept my Bible time consistent. Whether you decide to get up early or read your Bible before bed, set a time of day that you know you can stick to.

2. Get a plan

This can be as in depth as a chronological reading plan (I’m currently working through this one) or as simple as a “I’m just going to pick a book and read a chapter a day” plan. Whatever you choose, have a plan so you don’t spend extra time waffling around what you are going to study that day.

If you are new to the Bible, I recommend starting in Mark or John. The whole Bible points to Jesus, it makes sense to start by learning about Him.

If you finished up a plan or are still unsure of what to read, I always like to use the Proverbs Method (I don’t think that’s the actual name of it, but I like it). The Proverbs Method is easy. Not sure what to read? What’s the date? Whatever the date is, read that chapter of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, enough for a chapter for each day of any month.

3. Get rid of your expectations

This may be the most important tip I have. Thanks to social media, Bible study is, apparently, supposed to include great natural light, nice pens, hot coffee or tea, and maybe a cat or a plant. None of these things make a time of Bible study legitimate.

On Instagram, it looks like I study my Bible on a nice white blanket. Sometimes with a candle. The truth is that my Bible study usually happens when I get to work early, at home in our guest room/my office, or in one of the common areas at my house. I will admit, my office at home is pretty aesthetic because I got to pick out the furniture, but my work set up? Not so much. The white cloth in my photos is a pillowcase from Walmart. The point is that you do not need an aesthetic set up to study the Bible.

Also, lose your expectations about time. Bible study isn’t legitimate because it takes hours. Bible study still counts if you’re reading the Word for 10 minutes. If you have read your Bible and genuinely learned something about the Lord, you studied the Bible. Don’t let the enemy tell you a short amount of time in the Word isn’t good enough.

So when does it get easier?

As you use these three tips in your Bible study time, you will start to notice that it becomes easier to show up. When you start, 10 minutes in the Bible may seem like an eternity. When you are consistently in the Word, however, you may find it easier to spend more time in it. For me, it was hard to spend regular time intentionally reading my Bible. Now, I can easily get lost in it because I crave that time with the Lord. I want to know everything I can about Him so that I can reflect Him in my life.

Some days are still harder than others. I have a full time job and a family so finding dedicated time isn’t always easy. There has never been a time, however, when I regretted opening my Bible. God is so good- something that is evident in His Word, you just have to open it up.

Comment below and tell me: Which tip stood out to you the most?