• whats to come

    Changes in 2021

    True and Lovely Co. is making some changes in 2021. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I am, however, making some intentional decisions with True and Lovely Co. and I wanted to share them with you! Recently, I’ve talked about how I wanted to be more intentional with my platform. Last year, I launched this website and shortly after added…

  • rippling sea or river water in daylight

    Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

    A few weeks ago, I asked my Instagram audience what their biggest questions about God and the Bible are. Easily one of the most asked questions was: “Why does God let bad things happen?”  From the jump, I want to make a couple of things clear- I don’t think anyone will ever truly understand why some things happen. Some really…

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    2021 Goals

    Let’s chat about our 2021 goals. Admittedly, I’m not much of a New Years Resolutioner. I think resolutions are hard because you expect yourself to eliminate or completely change a specific behavior once the clock strikes midnight on January 1. Habits don’t form overnight so why do we expect to break them overnight? When we can’t stick to the resolution,…

  • bible flipping pages

    How the Church is Damaging its Influence

    This sounds like a clickbait title, but it’s really not. 2020 has been hard, I’ve already talked about this, but adding in election season makes it feel so much heavier. As I go through social media each day, there are times when I not only want to step away from social media but the Church as well. Before I get…

  • bible study habit
    Bible Study

    Making Bible Study a Habit | 3 Tips!

    One of the questions I get asked the most is: “How do you find time to study the Bible?” The answer probably isn’t want you want to hear: I’ve spent time intentionally making Bible study a habit. Habits are hard to make. They take time and they take effort, but studying the Bible is so important. Why is Bible Study…

  • girl reading bible

    How to Trust God in the Unknown

    We are living in a really hard and weird time and I'm sure a lot of us wonder how to trust God in a time like this. Between a global pandemic, political division, natural disasters, and things we are dealing with as individuals, life feels harder and heavier than ever. It's in times like these that we need to lean…

  • bible open with the words peace I give you to
    Bible Study,  Life

    Why I Take a Social Media Sabbath

    Social media sabbath. You may have heard the term before or you may have no idea what a social media sabbath is. The world is a busy and loud place and we are constantly connected to it. Social media is how many people get their news and it’s also how a lot of people make a living. As a content…

  • bible open with the words peace I give you to
    Bible Journaling,  Bible Study

    Bible Study Tips

    Bible study. The phrase seems really generic (probably because it is) and I can 100% understand that it’s overwhelming to open your Bible and “just study it.” When I first started studying the Bible intentionally, I struggled a lot with how to approach my study. The beautiful thing about studying the Bible is that the only wrong way to do…

  • woman's hand holding a pen over an open bible that contains many notes and bible study supplies
    Bible Journaling,  Bible Study

    Bible Study Supplies

    One of the most common questions I get is “what [insert supply here] are you using?” I use a few different things regularly and have a lot of Bible study supplies that I really like. I will go over them below but I think it’s important to start with a couple things. First, the only things you NEED to study…

  • Life

    Welcome to True + Lovely Co.

    First posts in a new blog are always tough to write. Do I introduce myself? Do I talk about why I put together a website? I struggle with this but I think introductions are a good starting place so here we are! I’m Carrie- the face behind the True and Lovely Co. Instagram and Etsy shop. When True and Lovely…